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Everything You Need to Know About Religious Discrimination in the Workplace

There is nothing worse than feeling as though you are being treated differently, especially negatively, because of something you cannot control or were born into. Unfortunately, this is something that still occurs on a regular basis here in the United States, and oftentimes, it occurs in the workplace. If you…
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Steps to Take if Boss Violates Your Rights

When someone is employed by a company, they are guaranteed certain rights as employees under federal law. While most employers respect and abide by these rights, this is not always the case. If you are someone who recently took action against your employer due to wrongdoing he or she committed…
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Here’s What Victims of Color Discrimination in the Workplace Should Know

Discrimination in the workplace is something that should have been eliminated a long, long time ago. Unfortunately, discrimination of all kinds, including color discrimination, is something that still occurs all over the country today. If you are someone who believes that you were a victim of color discrimination in the…
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National Origin Discrimination? We Can Help

National origin discrimination does not get as much attention as, say, discrimination based on race, ethnicity, or gender, however, national origin discrimination is still a very real problem that plagues the workforce, even in today's day and age. If you are someone who believes that you were discriminated against due…
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Am I Facing Genetic Discrimination at Work?

We live in a world that is more conscious of discrimination in the workplace, however, this discrimination still occurs. One of the less common forms of discrimination in the workplace is known as genetic information discrimination, though it is discrimination all the same. If you believe you are a victim…
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Military Service Discrimination | What to Know

While our military service members are among the boldest, bravest members of our society, oftentimes, upon returning, they find themselves subjected to discrimination in the workplace. Unfortunately, this occurrence is far more common than many of us would like to think, and if you are someone who believes you are…
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What You Should Know About Discrimination Due to Disabilities in the Workplace

When someone is discriminated against for something they cannot control, they are being reduced to one single trait. This is absolutely unacceptable, though unfortunately, this is something that still frequently occurs in our society today. While those with disabilities are protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, this…
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Sexual Harassment at Work: Key Facts to Know

As you know, we live in a time where more and more allegations of sexual harassment in the workplace are coming to light. If you are someone who has been subjected to sexual harassment in the workplace, you must continue reading and speak with our knowledgeable Georgia employee rights attorney…
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Religious Discrimination at Work Explained

While we'd all like to think that we live in a day and age where discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, and more is totally eradicated, the unfortunate reality is that this is simply untrue. In many cases, individuals in the workplace find themselves being discriminated against solely due to…
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Has Your Job Been Wrongfully Terminated? Here is What You Should Know.

There is nothing more frustrating and insulting than being wrongfully terminated from your job, especially if you are someone who, day in and day out, works as hard as you can in your position at your place of employment. Unfortunately, this is something that happens far more often than any…
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Discrimination in the Workplace Due to National Origin | What You Need to Know

There is nothing more disrespectful than discriminating against someone due to their national origin. Unfortunately, this happens more than we'd like to admit, even today's day and age, and if it has happened to you, you should strongly consider reaching out to our experienced Georgia employee rights attorney today. Here…
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Genetic Information Discrimination in Workplaces

Discrimination in the workplace of any kind is unthinkable, and genetic information discrimination is no different. If you feel you are a victim of genetic discrimination in the workplace, please continue reading and speak with our knowledgeable Georgia employment rights attorney to learn more. Here are some of the questions…
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Were You Discriminated Against Because of a Disability? Here is What You Need to Know.

There is nothing more degrading and downright unfair than being discriminated against for something you can't control. This is true for race, color, religion, and disability. Fortunately, individuals with mental or physical disabilities are protected from discrimination in the workplace under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. While this…
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What Should I do if My Employer Discriminated Against Me Because of My Religion?

The United States of America was founded on the premise that we have the freedom to practice any religion we choose. Unfortunately, there are times where employers violate this right. If you believe your employer has discriminated against you based on your religion, you may be able to take action…
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Do You Believe You Were Discriminated Against By Your Employer Because of Your Race? Here is What You Need to Know.

There are few things more ignorant and repugnant than discriminating against someone solely because of the color of their skin. We live in an era where people are, thankfully, more educated and far less likely to possess such views, however, racism is still, unfortunately, very present in our society, and…
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Our Philosophy

Our firm hand-selects challenging, complex cases that other attorneys won’t touch so we can deliver the highly-personalized attention your case deserves. From consultation to trial, we advocate for employees’ rights, every step of the way.

Our Principle

We base our practice on the principles of service and care. We take the time to truly know each and every client, and we put all of our energy into obtaining the best outcome possible, time and time again.

Our Definition Of Success

We will prosecute your case to the fullest extent possible. If you’ve been wronged by an employer in Georgia, you can count on Ben Barrett Law to fight for you.

How Can I File a Wage Discrimination Claim?

Wage discrimination is a serious issue that affects workers across the United States. If you are being paid less than a colleague for the same or similar work based on a protected characteristic, you may have a case for discrimination....

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